Parental Counseling
- How long can my child play with their tablet or mobile phone
- How long can my child watch TV
- When should I worry about my child's anxiety
- When should I take my child to a child psychologist
- How can I manage a big change for the family (eg divorce, mourning but also the arrival of a sibling)
- When and how do I answer my child questions that I think are not the right time to talk (eg sex education)
The above are some of the questions that the psychologist will always try to answer individually, based on the needs of children and parents, their emotional state, the developmental stage of the child and the family situation.
Parental counseling by a mental health professional aims to provide complete and detailed information to parents on issues of upbringing and education of their children. In addition it helps to develop their own potential to build healthy relationships with their children.
The fundamental goal of parent counseling is to support through the fruitful interaction of children and parents, to solve problems but also to build functional communication patterns.
Sometimes, it is necessary to hold sessions either individually (with the child only) or in groups (and with parents or other family members).
Each session lasts 60 minutes and to ensure its effectiveness it should be done according to the schedule suggested by the mental health professional.